
This week, I had the opportunity to attend the Design of Medical Devices Conference in Minneapolis.  We were awakened to a winter wonderland this morning, but what else would I expect from being back in MN :).  Yet even though I was tucked inside in April, I thoroughly enjoyed today because I had the opportunity to attend a symposium on Innovation in Global Health.  I heard from individuals who are passionate about addressing the need for practical, reliable, and affordable medical devices globally.  Representatives from the World Health Organization, GE Healthcare, and several Universities presented touching stories, practical advice, and encouragement for medical device development for the 4 billion people who live on less than $2.50/day.  The struggle that practitioners and patients face DAILY in developing countries became a little clearer, yet I know that pictures and stories still do not come close to portraying the reality.  Ultimately, my excitement for Rwanda was fueled as I was inspired by examples of global health care approached from a compassionate, sustainable perspective.

In addition, yesterday I was also blown away by a generous gift from the Noble Foundation to attend the Summer Institute in Rwanda!  I am incredibly thankful for this gift, which brings me much closer to my goal in order to participate in the Institute.  As an update, I have raised $5400, which leaves an additional $2600 to be raised.   I am so thankful for the generosity of people and for God’s faithful provision.   Thank you all for your encouragement and support!


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